trial prep

8 Benefits of Trial Presentation Software

8 Benefits of Trial Presentation Software 1000 750 Michael Beumer

Effective trial attorneys know how storytelling aids can play a major role in supporting an argument in the courtroom. Recent technology, has made these tools more convenient, portable and affordable.   Michael Ko – Groundworks Trial Consulting Mike Ko, owner of Groundworks Trial Consulting, has been operating technology at trials since 2008. As a professor…

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Deposition & Motion Practice Webinar

Webinar: Collaboration Tips for Deposition and Motion Prep

Webinar: Collaboration Tips for Deposition and Motion Prep 1000 667 Michael Beumer

Daniel D’Angelo – Nextpoint This free, recorded webinar  gives you everything you need for deposition preparation. After the review and production phases of discovery are complete, a lot of people must collaboratively work with produced evidence to prepare a strong case. Keeping them coordinated is often a challenge, particularly when you’re working with expert witnesses…

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Nextpoint Review

Nextpoint Review: eDiscovery Software Praised by Legaltech News

Nextpoint Review: eDiscovery Software Praised by Legaltech News 826 673 Michael Beumer

Legaltech News gave Nextpoint high marks in its latest software review, describing our platform as a “frontrunner” in cloud-based eDiscovery technology. The review, authored by eDiscovery consultant Brett Burney for the magazine’s October 2015 issue, praises our strategic partnership with Amazon Web Services to provide a scalable infrastructure and word-class data security while keeping our own…

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Nextpoint Folders In Trial Preparation

Introducing Document Folders in Nextpoint Trial Preparation

Introducing Document Folders in Nextpoint Trial Preparation 1000 750 Michael Beumer

Preparing for an upcoming trial, hearing or arbitration is serious and complicated business. You’ve got to collaborate with your team and manage a plethora of electronic documents, transcripts, pleadings, and other case files. At Nextpoint, we’re relentless about simplifying trial preparation, and helping legal teams prepare for hearings and trials more quickly and efficiently. Longtime…

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New Nextpoint Feature: Digital Notes for Document Reviewers

New Nextpoint Feature: Digital Notes for Document Reviewers 150 150 Jason Krause

Folder Tags is a brand new feature that lets reviewers add notes to folders in Nextpoint. The inspiration came from a Nextpoint client with a large review project. The review team wanted to make it possible for groups of reviewers to leave comments after finishing work on individual folders. Like a Post-it for Document Reviewers…

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How to Prepare for Your Next Hearing, Conference or Trial

How to Prepare for Your Next Hearing, Conference or Trial 150 150 Tricia Boguslawski

The jury trial has been slowly disappearing. While that is true, any time a new matter comes to your firm, you should be thinking about the possible endgame – presenting evidence in a hearing, trial, settlement conference, or regulatory review. In particular, we are focused on moving evidence from the Review to Prep services within Nextpoint.…

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The Nextpoint Nine: Secrets of Success in Litigation

The Nextpoint Nine: Secrets of Success in Litigation 150 150 Jason Krause

Nextpoint began more than a decade ago as a litigation services company supporting a handful of loyal customers. Since that time, we’ve worked with hundreds of law firms and Fortune 100 companies in all kinds of high-stakes litigation. We know that preparing for trial is an unpredictable and difficult proposition for even the most experienced…

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