social media discovery

eDiscovery Overkill in Family Law Cases

eDiscovery Overkill in Family Law Cases 150 150 nextpointguest

Like a lot of small computer forensics companies, about 25 percent of our cases involve family law. Emotions often run high in family law matters, especially when adultery is a factor (and it is almost always present). Regardless of who is cheating, the aggrieved spouse is generally some unhappy combination of angry, sad and bitter.…

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eDiscovery Case Law Update: Facebook is Exploding Family Law

eDiscovery Case Law Update: Facebook is Exploding Family Law 150 150 Jason Krause

Social Media and Family law are a volatile mix. According to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), more than 80 percent of divorce attorneys have used social media posts in divorce court cases. In a prominent recent case, a judge in Connecticut ordered a husband and wife to exchange social media and dating site passwords as the…

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Social Media Discoery mockup

Are You Ready for Social Media Discovery? Get Our Free, 10-Step Guide

Are You Ready for Social Media Discovery? Get Our Free, 10-Step Guide 508 381 Jason Krause

There are lots of reasons why organizations are thinking about social media discovery these days, but there is very little information available. Fortunately, we’re something of experts in this area, and we’re offering a free, downloadable, and easy-to-follow guide for managing the discovery of social media. Visit our Ten Steps to Social Media Discovery Readiness…

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