predictive coding

Nextpoint Adds Predictive Coding On-Demand to Ediscovery Software

Nextpoint Adds Predictive Coding On-Demand to Ediscovery Software 150 150 Jason Krause

Nextpoint is excited to unveil the integration of predictive coding on-demand technologies from our friends at Backstop into Nextpoint’s next-generation evidence management platform. What this means for our clients is that they now have access to advanced machine learning capabilities to meet any of their litigation, regulatory or compliance needs. By leveraging both companies’ expertise…

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Robots Are Not Replacing eDiscovery Lawyers

Robots Are Not Replacing eDiscovery Lawyers 150 150 Jason Krause

Somehow, editors across the country have gotten the idea that computers will replace lawyers in litigation. The Wall Street Journal asked, Why Hire a Lawyer? Computers Are Cheaper, and The New York Times promised a world of Armies of Lawyers, Replaced by Cheaper Software. Columnist Paul Krugman even picked up the theme to discuss the economy. Most recently, the New…

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Predictive Coding: Green Light or Yellow Caution?

Predictive Coding: Green Light or Yellow Caution? 150 150 Jason Krause

It’s not often that a discovery order is so eagerly anticipated that the judge has to calm down an overheated blogosphere. This week’s hotly discussed e-discovery ruling from U.S Magistrate Andrew Peck regarding the use of predictive coding in litigation includes an unusually direct footnote for legal bloggers. “To correct the many blogs about this…

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