electronic discovery software

The Cost of Ediscovery: Is it Overpriced?

The Cost of Ediscovery: Is it Overpriced? 150 150 Jason Krause

Oooh Wow! The cost of eDiscovery. Let’s face it — the reason why eDiscovery is still such a pernicious topic in the legal profession are the eDiscovery costs. Most of the other details about managing ESI in litigation are well understood. We know, for example, that almost all electronic data and metadata is discoverable. And…

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Democratizing eDiscovery Today

Democratizing eDiscovery Today 150 150 Jason Krause

Nextpoint understands as well as anyone that unless eDiscovery is affordable and manageable for small cases, our system of law will break.   Tom O’Connor’s recent LTN article, “Pricing: The Small Case eDiscovery Dilemma,” revived Craig Ball’s 2010 EDna Challenge to see if a lawyer could successfully manage an eDiscovery project for less than $1,000. We’d…

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