This ediscovery processing workflow lays out four steps that will help you reduce the volume of discovery data and streamline document review. Between collecting & preserving electronically stored information (ESI) and reviewing & producing it, many people regrettably overlook the critical steps involved in processing the data. If you’re tempted to remain oblivious to the…
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How to Ace Early Case Assessment
Elizabeth Guthrie
Early Case Assessment in ediscovery allows legal teams to begin review with the least amount of data possible and a better understanding of what’s in that data. Early Case Assessment might be the most important phase of any discovery battle. In the modern litigation landscape, the party that can analyze and digest digital evidence most…
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DeNISTing in Ediscovery: What It Is and Why You Should Care
Elizabeth Guthrie
DeNISTing in ediscovery is one of the many technical strategies utilized during the processing stage to eliminate irrelevant data from a document collection. With the high volume of legal data seen in most litigation today, eliminating irrelevant files at the outset of a case is essential to maintaining a feasible workload for review. DeNISTing gets…
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