
Nextpoint Partners

6 Ways Litigation Support Makes Attorneys Better

6 Ways Litigation Support Makes Attorneys Better 1000 667 Rakesh Madhava

Litigation support delivers a real boost to your firm’s productivity enabling attorneys to focus on delivering great legal work. When lawyers have access to great technology support, it helps win new clients, deliver strategic advantages in litigation, and ultimately can add to a firm’s bottom line. For smaller firms, litigation support is a force multiplier,…

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8 Benefits of Trial Presentation Software

8 Benefits of Trial Presentation Software 1000 750 Michael Beumer

Effective trial attorneys know how storytelling aids can play a major role in supporting an argument in the courtroom. Recent technology, has made these tools more convenient, portable and affordable.   Michael Ko – Groundworks Trial Consulting Mike Ko, owner of Groundworks Trial Consulting, has been operating technology at trials since 2008. As a professor…

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Deposition & Motion Practice Webinar

Webinar: Collaboration Tips for Deposition and Motion Prep

Webinar: Collaboration Tips for Deposition and Motion Prep 1000 667 Michael Beumer

Daniel D’Angelo – Nextpoint This free, recorded webinar  gives you everything you need for deposition preparation. After the review and production phases of discovery are complete, a lot of people must collaboratively work with produced evidence to prepare a strong case. Keeping them coordinated is often a challenge, particularly when you’re working with expert witnesses…

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Nextpoint in class

Chicago-Kent Law Students Get Hands-on eDiscovery Experience

Chicago-Kent Law Students Get Hands-on eDiscovery Experience 1000 667 Michael Beumer

If Bo knows sports, you could say Ko knows legal tech. Mike Ko, a former attorney and the owner of Groundwork Trial Consulting in Chicago (see: Obrycka v. City of Chicago and Goldberg v. Donald Trump), helps lawyers incorporate technology into their practices from mediation to trial. He also teaches Litigation Technology, an advanced trial advocacy…

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Multidistrict Litigation Strategy: Technology Really Matters

Multidistrict Litigation Strategy: Technology Really Matters 1920 1080 Rakesh Madhava

multidistrict litigation strategy Electronic data involved in multidistrict litigation (MDL) and mass actions is exploding in both volume and diversity, with no end in sight. Analysts project that the volumes of data being produced will double every two years, which is consistent with the growing volumes of pre-trial data hosted in the Nextpoint litigation platform.…

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Litigation Collaboration: The Four Simple Rules

Litigation Collaboration: The Four Simple Rules 1000 667 Jason Krause

When your team is preparing for a new litigation matter, how do you organize, collaborate, and share information? Do you email files to co-counsel, team members, or outside parties? Do you have a collaboration tool to keep track of where documents go and who has the current version? According to the ABA Legal Technology Survey,…

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New Nextpoint Feature: Digital Notes for Document Reviewers

New Nextpoint Feature: Digital Notes for Document Reviewers 150 150 Jason Krause

Folder Tags is a brand new feature that lets reviewers add notes to folders in Nextpoint. The inspiration came from a Nextpoint client with a large review project. The review team wanted to make it possible for groups of reviewers to leave comments after finishing work on individual folders. Like a Post-it for Document Reviewers…

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Better Deposition Software

Deposition Summary Software: Do More with Depositions

Deposition Summary Software: Do More with Depositions 1000 667 Jason Krause

Deposition Summary Software Imagine you are deposing an adverse expert witness from a remote location. Your expert is listening to the deposition by telephone to help you ask the appropriate questions. Suddenly, the adverse expert produces a revised report. How do you get the report into your litigation database and get everyone on the same…

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Prepare Your Matter for Any Type of Dispute Resolution Venue

Prepare Your Matter for Any Type of Dispute Resolution Venue 1000 752 Tricia Boguslawski

Few matters ever actually see the inside of a courtroom. Few attorneys can claim to have selected a jury, much less obtained a successful verdict. In fact, 90 percent of some types of matters settle without going to trial. But that hardly means lawyers do not need serious trial presentation skills. In fact, lawyers often need…

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Making Dispute Resolution Technology Work for You

Making Dispute Resolution Technology Work for You 150 150 Jason Krause

Yesterday, Nextpoint vice president of Client Success Tricia Boguslawski presented the third in a series of webinars on litigation technology best practices. If you missed “Preparing for Your Hearing, Settlement, or Trial,” you can listen to all our ediscovery webinar recordings here. Following our first two webinars in the series on identifying and culling data…

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