This week, we launched exciting new updates to the file room, database name displays and bulk coding. See below for a preview of what’s included in this release.
Unzip in the File Room
In any technical setting, you can upload multiple files more quickly if you compress them into a single “zipped” file. However, Nextpoint recommends importing the uncompressed versions into your database to ensure successful processing. So, we came up with a solution that allows users to quickly upload zipped files while maintaining the integrity of the data.
Now, you can upload zipped files to your File Room for maximum upload speeds, and simply unzip them prior to importing into your database. Select a zipped file(s) in your File Room, and click “Unzip Selected.” From there, you can choose to unzip the files to a new or existing folder and enter a password if necessary. Files that have been unzipped will display a green checkmark on the right.
Project and Database Names
We tweaked the database name display so that users can easily distinguish between multiple projects. In the dropdown menu in the top left corner, each database is listed with the project name underneath. New icons also help to differentiate between Discovery and Litigation databases. You’ll see a teal D for Discovery or a purple L for litigation.
Additive Bulk Coding
In Nextpoint, users could always select multiple documents and bulk code them simultaneously. We’ve enhanced this feature to alert users if a document has previous coding they do not wish to overwrite.
When bulk coding multiple documents, you’ll see a count in parentheses that shows how many documents have already been coded. Previous coding options will appear with a dash in the tick box. If you unselect those options, the tick box will appear with a blue outline. There are also multiple warnings to notify users that the bulk edit will overwrite existing coding. **These updates will only be available in Search Mode, not Filter Mode.
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