law firm

Let Lawyers Bring Devices to Work

Let Lawyers Bring Devices to Work 150 150 Nextpoint

Law Technology News recently featured a great article by technology editor Sean Doherty called “Bring Your Own Device to the Law Firm,“  identifying a set of principles Cardinal Health uses to allow lawyers to work on their own devices. These are guidelines every law firm, corporate legal department, and government office can use to devise a policy today…

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Could newspapers be a lesson for large law firms?

Could newspapers be a lesson for large law firms? 150 150 Elizabeth Guthrie

Test As interest in cloud computing and our products is increasing, I’m doing a lot of eduction to lawyers on the internet. A joke I keep using to put into context cloud computing is to say, “I think this Internet thing will be big”. To further make my point about why the internet is important…

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