The question of how to handle “modern attachments” has become the hot topic that’s sweeping the ediscovery landscape this year. Major litigation involving Uber Technologies has led to extensive conversations on how to navigate ediscovery that involves hyperlinked files. Brett Burney breaks down the issue and explains what you can do to get ahead on…
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New Partnership with ACEDS eDiscovery Training and Certification
Michael Beumer
It’s Spring. The flowers are blooming. And kids everywhere are anxiously awaiting the summer break from school. But we at Nextpoint never take a break from eDiscovery education. In fact, we are very excited to announce a brand new partnership with ACEDS, the nation’s leading eDiscovery training and certification professional association. eDiscovery Training and Certification…
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Free Webinars: Learn Strategic eDiscovery Skills for Attorneys
Michael Beumer
As a litigator, you may view eDiscovery is a necessary evil; and discovery software as a basic and necessary remedy. The use of document review software has become ubiquitous at law firms of every size, and most teams are leaning on technology in some way to organize data and automate repetitive tasks. But can technology…
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