Cooperation Proclamation

Keeping eDiscovery in Proportion

Keeping eDiscovery in Proportion 150 150 Jason Krause

  • Trial Tips from Nextpoint •  One of the most devilish problems in litigation is proportionality – figuring out how to keep the cost of managing evidence in control while serving the interests of justice. Courts have made it clear any party has a duty to maintain potentially relevant evidence as soon as any future…

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Make the eDiscovery Rules Work for You

Make the eDiscovery Rules Work for You 1000 667 Jason Krause

The adversarial nature of the system of law in the United States is not about cooperation and playing nice. In law school, lawyers are trained to crush their opposition. But the updated eDiscovery Rules of Civil Procedure and emerging case law actually make it not only possible to make discovery a cooperative process, but if…

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The Cozy World of eDiscovery Implodes

The Cozy World of eDiscovery Implodes 150 150 Jason Krause

Having recently come from the ABA Techshow in Chicago, it was interesting to see that even after more than a decade of explosive growth, the field of litigation technology is still largely dominated by a small handful of experts. As with any insular world, there’s always a chance for conflicts of interest and the appearance…

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